Jan 21, 2010

why isn't autism therapy worth it?

My son Nolan is 4 1/2 and was diagnosed with autism in 2007. He needs lots of assistance & still requires lots of speech, OT and PT's. Let me say if there was a line where I could stand so I could take away autism from my son and anyone else for that matter I would be there in a heartbeat. I wouldn't wish autism on anyone. We have been told time and time again that Nolan needs at least two OT, PT and Speech visit each week and right now, he can't have them. The reason for that is not because his dad or I are unable to take him or that the therapist doesn't have space. NO--it's because of some person/persons in an insurance company far from here and from our lives that decided because, Nolan has this diagnosis that he is not entitled to these services. The reason they feel this way is because he won't progress fast enough! Basically they are telling me my son isn't worth the time or money! However, if he didn't have this diagnosis they would pay for the services. My daughter Madison gets OT and it's paid for (she's not autistic). Who are these people to decide that just because some is autistic that they won't make any progress or that they will make slow progress?

Do these people have this in their families? I don't believe that they do--because if they did--the law would change in a heartbeat!

I guess I'm just PO'd. My son is the only one suffering--no one else. What these insurance companies don't see is the long run. It has been shown time and time again-that with proper intervention that autistic make wonderful progress. I have seen it in my own child. Perfect example-today we went to the eye doctor with dad and we sat in the waiting room for about 20 minutes before he went in. Then we waited another 20 minutes and Nolan did fantastic. He played with the toys that were there. He asked me for tickle/squeezes and he "sang" the blues clues song. He did flick the lights a couple of times, but I told him no and he stopped. We lasted almost an hour and then I took him out because I could tell that he wouldn't be able to handle much more. Let me tell you--6 months ago, he wouldn't have even lasted the first 20 minutes! He would have "melted" down in very short order. So for someone to say that they are not worth it (and they say that by not covering the therapies) ---is a bunch of crap!

I ask anyone who makes those decisions -first live with it and then decide. If you take care of it now while they are young-the cost when they are older is much less--because they require less services. I put it this way---imagine you have a 2 foot hole in the road. The crew comes to fix it, they only put enough fill in it to equal 1 foot, and they didn't smooth it out. Eventually it grows to 5 feet and again they fill it--but only so much. They keep just "breezing" it over. Soon the hole is enough to swallow your car. Now they have to tear the road down to the dirt--regrade it and then repave it. Instead of just fixing it CORRECTLY when it was a small hole. Now it has cost them twice as much and they caused aggravation to everyone around.

Anyway, enough ranting. I'm just upset--it just seems like everything is at a stand still and I can't make it go. I want my son to have as much a "normal" life as possible.


  1. That is so frustrating. We have a similar situation in that my son is not allowed attend community therapy services because he has autism but the autism services won't take him until he is three, another 9 months away (and we will be lucky if they take him then) Meantime we are left struggling to cover the cost ourselves, knowing that a little bit of therapy now will save a lot more in the long run. Its enough to drive you demented!! Jen.

  2. Thanks Jen for the comment. It is so very irritating that only those directly involved with autism can see the benefits of early treatment! I hope your son is able to attend autism services when he turns 3. Let me know--Take Care & Please help support the bill that is going thru Congress that will make autism services easier to receive for everyone involved.
